
Black-Eyed Susan Vine

long-flowering annual, uncomplicated, and therefore very common twining vine for house entrances, facades, low walls, or balconies. Suitable as a hanging plant and also for interior gardening. The very common varieties "red orange" and "new orange" grow up to about 4 m high and can be used to hide downpipes, lightning conductors, etc..

 >>> Price: Seeds "Orange"

 >>> Price: Seeds "Salmon"

 >>> Price Seeds: "Pastel Melange"

Thunbergia alata, also known as "Brown-Eyed Susan"

Black-Eyed Susan vine "Red Orange" (Thunbergia alata) - after a rain shower
Black-Eyed Susan vine "Red Orange" (Thunbergia alata) - after a rain shower

To thrive...

Susans need sunny, or even better, half-shady locations that are protected from heavy winds. Moist but water-permeable soil, best enriched with deciduous compost. A nutrient-rich humus soil, as well as regular fertilising and watering, will promote growth and flowers. They can easily be cultivated in pots and 'hibernate' (be overwintered in a proper place) as a potted plant at about 6°C (43°F). Available mostly as seed mixtures or potted plants from spring onwards.

 >>> Price Seeds "Orange"

 >>> Price Seeds "Salmon"

 >>> Preis Seeds "Pastell Melange"

Characteristics and Pruning

Natives of South Africa and Madagascar, Susans are annuals in Europe and have to be pre-cultivated before they can be sold and planted outside at the end of May. Individual plants must be planted 30 - 40 cm apart, 1 metre for pots with several specimens. Growth height depends on the variety ~ usually only about 2 m, but some strong varieties in a large pot or planted in the earth can grow up to 4 m (see photos). The leaves are heart-shaped. This is a slightly winding twiner (shoots twine a little), somewhat overhanging. The flowers are decorative, the colours in a range of: white, yellow-orange, or brown-red~ all with a brown-black ('chocolate-purple') centre. The varieties "red orange" and "new orange" sold by FassadenGrün belong to the "Sunny Susy"® series and are impressive for their strong growth and early flowering. In general, all varieties of the black-eyed or brown-eyed Susans flower abundantly, even in cooler summers. The flowering time is from June to October. A single flower lasts about 5 days. Sometimes small seed capsules also form.

Climbing Aids for the Facade

Thin stakes, nets, or ropes can be used. Binding material might be necessary. You can choose below among the suitable designs for a cable system. Choose an easy or light cable design.


Cable systems?

Click on the image to see which cable trellis forms are compatible with Black-eyed Susans.

Suitable Cable Systems for Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable            = of limited suitability            = unsuitable