The "Wooly Pipevine" is one of the most important facade plants -- a twining climber much appreciated for its remarkably lush, middle-large, heart-shaped leaves. It is ideal for vertical greeningand is also known for its ability to easily hide downpipes and lightning conductors! It is fairly low-maintenance, and pruning is basically unnecessary. We sell two sizes:
Woolly Dutchman`s Pipevine, Wooly Dutchman`s Pipe, Aristolochia tomentosa
The "Woolly Pipevine" needs a sunny to slightly shaded position, protected from wind, and nutrient-rich soil, fresh and moist with regular water provision (especially in sunny positions) to compensate for the evaporation rate. These plants tolerate nearly everything, as long as they are watered regularly in summertime. Fertilising is beneficial. This small-leaved aristolochia is hardier and requires less attention than Aristolochia macrophylla. Distance between plants: 1 - 2.5 m
A twining climber, this plant forms thick leaf walls, but can also cascade down like a bridal train. Aristolochia tomentosa is generally smaller-leafed. Initially, the plant uses its energy mainly for growing new leaves, so yearly new shoots are rather sparse, especially during the first few years. Foliage from May to November. Doesn't look “straggly” in winter, as the sparse new shoots keep their decorative light green colour. The older perennial shoots are light grey. Not susceptible to fungal diseases! This Pipevine wons its name to its oddly-shaped yellow-green flowers that resemble an old-fashioned smoker's pipe; they appear in June / July, with cucumber- or capsule-like fruit. Prune and thin out every 1-3 years.
Akebias love vertically-oriented climbing aids, with cables that are approx. 30-40 cm apart. Shoots have to be bound by hand on horizontal axes. See below for suitable systems. Choose medium, or preferably heavy / massive cable trellis systems; with potted plants, an easy kit may suffice.
Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!
= suitable | = of limited suitability | = unsuitable |