
Wire Rope Trellis System 5020

Square trellis system; also possible as a "standing" or "laying" (horizontal) rectangle, thus appropriate for small and medium-sized areas. Please refer to the guidelines in our climbing plants section for support in choosing a suitable construction style (see charts at the bottom of each plant profile). If you install this system as a rectangle, more cable may be required (see below). In this case, the 4030 or 8010 could be an alternative, depending on your particular needs.

Want to order as a kit? Click on the green links here in chart for all the info!

17-40 €59.80 €72-130 €131.80 €187.80 €


Our pre-assembled kits are suitable for all wall types, with the exception of walls with external insulation, cladding, and thin-walled concrete elements. Alternatives can be put together in all cases.


Height x Width: standard up to ~1.4 m x 1.4 m; for Heavy / Massive Kits: 1.9 m x 1.9 m. With more wire rope *and* a wall mount in the middle (instead of a free-floating cross clamp): also up to 3.0 m x 3.0 m; with a Heavy / Massive construction, even up to 4.4 m x 3.6 m. Base point: ~0.5 - 1 m above the ground.


Variations: either: as a horizontal rectangle and thus an inexpensive alternative to 8010- then up to ~1.2 m x 3.2 m (for a Heavy Kit- 1.2 m x 4 m), or: as a standing stationary rectangle and inexpensive alternative to system 4030 - then up to max. ~3 m x 1.0 m (for a Heavy Kit up to 4.4 m x 1.0 m). Then place the middle horizontal rope slightly higher here to achieve a design effect according to the "golden ratio" (see photo). Please check in each case to see if more rope is needed than is provided in the kit.


Installation: as shown in the diagrams; please also refer to the mounting tips in chart above (click on kit for details).


Vine Training: See the related wire rope systems 4030 and 8010.

Easy Kit

Light / Medium / Heavy / Massive Kit