Wire Rope Trellis Systems (Stainless Steel)

If you already have an idea in mind for growing a climbing plant on a wall or the front of your home, you've come to the right place! Nearly all climbing plants need a support system of some kind. Even 'self climbing' plants will usually benefit from or may even require additional support. While FassadenGrün specialises in wall-bound trellis systems made of stainless steel tension cables, individual parts and wires for freestanding ('row') trellises are also available. You can choose from our complete prefabricated wire rope trellis systems in various versions ('construction styles'), or design your own trellis by selecting individual parts. We offer you information about other providers and any possible challenges you may encounter. As an alternative to cable trellises, lattice trellises made of wood, metal, and bamboo are also available here!

Cable-trellis system for climbing plants
Cable-trellis system for climbing plants


Answers to important basic questions


Basic shapes for cable trellises

Construction Styles

Comparing designs (Easy, Light, Medium, Heavy, Massive trellises)

Cable System Components

Screws, bolts, clamps, trellis fittings, etc..

Special Systems

Cable systems that are not facade-based (for pergolas, row trellising, etc..)

Trellis Nets

Ideal for large surfaces


The market for trellis cables

Stainless Steel

Information about material used


Potential issues with cable systems (rust, etc..)


Assembling and attaching a wire rope trellis