The scarlet runner bean is a robust and vigorous long-blooming annual twiner with brilliant flowers and edible beans. It is ideal for creating privacy screens, for greening gazebos, fences, carports and, of course, for house walls and balconies. Runner beans flower even in the coolest summers!
Scarlet Runner Bean / Runner Bean / Scarlet Runners / Multiflora Bean / Butter Bean, lat.: Phaseolus coccineus / Phaseolus multiflorus
The runner bean favours a sunny to semi-shady, warm and sheltered location with deep, fresh, loose soil that is not too wet. Good water supply is a must, especially on dry and hot days and especially if the bean is planted in a pot. Available as seed blends in different varieties and colours.
>>> Seeds: Price
This robust and fast-growing twining climber from Mexico has been known in Europe since the 16th century. Sometimes only grown for their ornamental value, but similar to pole beans, they also provide potential nourishment! To plant: After soaking them in water overnight, the runner bean seeds can be sown in 3 - 5 cm deep holes after the ground is at a temperature of 10 degrees (beginning of May). If there are still night frosts, the seedlings need to be protected (with sheets / mulch / straw...). When planting a line, keep a distance of 25 - 30 between seeds. When sowing next to a pole or other cimbing support, put 4 - 6 seeds into every planting hole. In colder regions, you might want to pre-grow the plants inside from April on. Growth height is up to 3 - 4 metres, sometimes even 6 m, with dense, green foliage. Red, white, or bicoloured flowers bloom from June to September, offering a brilliant contrast to the decorative foliage. Lush blooming even in cool, rainy summers. Beans are poisonous when raw, but the young cooked beans can be eaten and are delicious! In central America, all parts of the plant are eaten!
The runner bean can be grown in the garden, on fences, or on trellises-- with vertical wire ropes, cords, poles/rods. To cover a facade with foliage, place the individual vertical axes at a distance of about 50 - 75 cm from each other. See the bottom of the page for a list of suitable wire rope trellis designs for runner beans. An easy, light, or medium design allows optimal development.
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= suitable | = of limited suitability | = unsuitable |