
Wire Rope Trellis System 6020

Simple basic form for narrow or unstructured wall areas. Also for wood constructions (pergolas)! Similar to 6010 but thicker. For support in choosing a suitable construction style, please refer to the climbing plantssection (see charts at the bottom of each plant profile).

Want to order as a kit? Click on green links here in chart for all the info!

10-22 €30.80 €37-65 €69.80 €94.80 €


Our pre-assembled kits are suitable for all wall types, with the exception of walls with external insulation, cladding, and thin-walled concrete elements. Alternatives can be put together in all cases.


Height x Width: on walls up to approx. 1.2 m x 0.6 m (2.2 x 1.1 m with a heavy/massive kit). For greater heights, use systems like 6030. Base approx. 0.3 - 0.8 m above the ground.


Installation: as shown in the diagrams; please also refer to the mounting tips in chart above (click on kit for details) or special case 01 for medium 'classic' kits. If easy kits with more than 8 m of cable length are used, an additional rope tensioner must be installed in the cable run (see below).


Vine Training: See diagrams. As a small compact (potted) vine (R 01) or as a little cordon (R 02), with a big climbing field (heavy kit)- also can be a small trellis with full arches (R 03).

Grapevine training on system 6020

Easy Kit

Easy Kit with Turnbuckle

Medium Kit "Classic"

Light / Medium ("Eco" u. "Premium") / Heavy / Massive Kits