
Wisteria as façade plants

Wisteria are magnificent climbing plants and were traditionally planted on pergolas. On façades, they flower best where others are weak: on sunny south and west-facing walls! FassadenGrün sells many types, helps with the selection and gives tips on the commonly known "Asian" and also "American" blue rain. The latter can be found at the bottom of this page, they are easier to handle.

  >>>  Price list

(also "Glycine", "Glyzine" or "Wisteria", lat.: Wisteria, species see below)

Tips for selection

To our assortment

Asian Wisteria

Great colours and sizes

American Wisteria

Uncomplicated varieties


Medium-length racemes

(Spitzensorte für Fassaden)

'Blue Dream'

Long racemes of flowers

(Very dense flowering)


Medium-length racemes

(Ideal for plant pots)

'Showa Beni'

Short racemes

(A very special variety)


Long racemes of flowers

(Special colour)

'Shiro Noda'

Very long flower racemes

(Very dense flowering)

'Longwood Purple'

Very short racemes

(American variety)

'Amethyst Falls'

Short racemes

(American variety)

'Betty Matthews'

Medium-length racemes

(American variety)