Trumpet Vine

Trumpet creeper vines are the big sisters of the perennial flowering dipladenia / mandevilla. They play a major role in facade greening, and while most varieties develop aerial (adhesive) rootlets and can climb by themselves, they are usually planted on a trellis for optimal development. Here you'll find information on planting, pruning, and caring for trumpet vines, as well as a selection of 6 select varieties we offer at FassadenGrün (go to 'shop'), guaranteed to flower in the 1st year. 

>>> Price list

Trumpet vine, trumpet creeper, trumpet jasmine, trumpet flower, hummingbird vine, Latin: Campsis

General Information

Varieties and Application





"Madame Galen"

Self-climber, big flowers


For trellises; has no adhesive organs

"Indian Summer"®




