
Wire Rope System 4010

A simple, easily-to-assemble climbing system for narrow wall surfaces between windows or ~ with a longer cross cable (horizontal wire rope) ~ a cable system for framing doors and windows analogous to system 4050. Also an optimal fit for long, low walls,in which case many of these systems are set next to one another. For support in choosing a suitable construction style,please refer to the guidelines provided in the section on climbing plants (see the charts at the bottom of each plant profile).

Want to orderas a kit? Click on the green links here in chart for all the info!

8-21 €29.80 €36-65 €64.80 €89.80 €


Our pre-assembled kits are suitable for all wall types with the exception of walls with external insulation, cladding, and thin-walled concrete elements. Alternatives can be put together in all cases.


Height x Width: up to 1.5 m x 0.4 m, also up to 1.5 m breadth (up to 2.2 m x 1.8 m with a Heavy / Massive Kit). For a larger scale greening, number 4020 is better. Base point: ~0.3 - 0.8 m above the ground.


Installation: as pointed out in the diagrams; please take into account the mounting tips in chart above (click on a kit in the chart for details) and the special case 01 for a medium "classic" style.


Vine Training: See diagrams. As a compact vine, the green shoots grow every year up to the top of the trellis (R 01). Also as a small garland with 2 strands ("Palmette" - R 02), or as a columnar / vertical vine ('cordon') with a short cut. In the latter case, then the branches should be arranged on only one side of the vine, growing towards the other rope (R 03); distance of the ropes then approx. 25-30 cm.

Grapevine training on system 4010

Easy Kit

Medium Kit "Classic"

Light / Medium ("Eco" and "Premium")/ Heavy / Massive Kit