General Information on Grapevines

Grapevines are part of the espalier fruit family and traditionally play a major role in the greening of facades. Since there is so much to say about them, we have given them their own section; here you will find extensive information on grapevines ~ for the house and in the garden. You can select climbing (trellis) systems, compare table grapes, and learn how to prune and recognize diseases. FassadenGrün sells several grapevine varieties.

Also called "grape wine," Latin: Vitis vinifera.  >>> price list


Grapevines on a wall
Grapevines on a wall

To Thrive...

Position grapevines in full sun, preferably protected from strong winds. Distance between vine stocks: 0.8 - 5 metres.

>>>  Price list

Characteristics and Pruning

The grapevine is a stem-tendril climbing plant that grows upward with vigorous overhanging (cascading) growth-- new shoots may grow 1 - 4 metres every year. It is usually cultivated as a shaped shrub with a growth height of 10 metres or more, depending on the pruning technique. Heart/lobe-shaped leaves. Foliage lasts from April/May to October. The flower is paniculate and relatively inconspicuous. Fruit (grapes) are green, yellow, red, or blue to blue-black with different berry and cluster sizes, depending on the variety. The stock is built up over several years (grapevine training). Pruning in winter is essential, and additional summer pruning may be necessary. While grapevine is quite susceptible to fungal diseases, newer varieties are more resistant than historical ones. For purely ornamental purposes, there are grape-free grapevines.

Climbing Supports for the Facade

The grapevine can be trellised on a stake, rod, stainless steel cable system, or on a wooden trellis. For suitable wire rope system designs, see below. We recommend a trellis in our medium range, but for larger/higher areas and fungus-sensitive, historical varieties-- choose a trellis in the heavy  / massive gauge (they have increased wall distance). In exceptional cases, lighter systems, like our easy kits - basic and basic-s - or our light kits may suffice. Important for wall espaliers: the main shoots of the vines (i.e. the branches), which become thicker, should be tied to the front of the trellis; fruit-bearing annual shoots, which will be cut off later in winter, can be tucked behind the trellis.


Suitable Wire Rope Systems?

Please click on the graphic to see the full suitability chart

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Buildings greened with grapevines

View this gallery to see more greened walls and buildings; you'll find many more photos under grapevine training.

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Botanical Features - grapevines during the course of the year

Here you can see grapevine leaves, flowers, fruit, autumn colouring, appearance in winter, and budding in spring. Please also refer to "grape varieties" for more information.

Wire rope systems for grapevines

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable            = of limited suitability            = unsuitable