Wild Grapevine (Grapeless)

There are over 100 species of wild grapevines that are known under a number of names ~ 'Frost Grape,' 'River Grape,' 'Spanish Grape.' The term 'wild grape' will be used, too, covering all species. The varieties presented here have extremely healthy leaves. They are easy to care for and are particularly suited for decorative purposes; they create a 'grapevine-ambience' without the high maintenance ~ at home, in spaces like garden cafës or restaurants. They won't develop fruit, so the unfavourable side-effects of grapes -- wasps, birds and their excrement, mildew, etc..-- are not an issue here!

Vitis riparia (rare hybrid originated around 1940 in Germany), Vitis berlandieri, Frost Grape, River Grape, Spanish Grape

>>> Price

Fruitless wild grapevines
Fruitless wild grapevines

To Thrive...

These vines need a sunny (full sun) to (semi-) shaded spot; the more sun exposure, the more intense their yellow autumn colours. Distance between plants: 2.5 - 5 metres. Available all year as potted plants, and in April / May as rootstock.

>>> Price

Characteristics and Pruning

This is a climber with tendrils (no adhesive pads as with some other creepers), vigorous growth, yearly growth up to 2 - 4 metres; it may also cascade like a bridal train. Foliage from May to October. Has inconspicuous green-yellow flowers in early summer, insignificant or no fruit at all. Only the hybrid variety we offer is resistant to phylloxera nad powdery mildew, unlike the other varieites of Vitis riparia and Vitis berlandierei. Advantage: problems which can occur in ripening and ripe (wine-) grapes are avoided. Summer and winter prune as needed to restrain the vigorous growth habit and to prevent the plants from becoming scraggly. Best trained as cordons with spur pruning as you would with a traditional grapevine.

Climbing Supports for the Facade

Climbs readily on rods, trellises, pergolas, and arbours. Wires or (wire) ropes are especially recommended when needing to secure older, thick trunks. Stem formation and training similar to illustrations for the normal grapevine. For suitable wire rope systems, see below. Choose an easy or, preferably (on walls especially), medium cable system.


Compatible wire rope systems?

Please click the icon to see the full suitability chart

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Greening facades with wild grapeless grapevines

View some examples here... 

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Greening other structures and objects with wild grapevines

With wild grapevines, balconies, pergolas, stair rails, and fences can be greened and create a similar aesthetic (sans grapes) as a fruiting grapevine... They are also very suitable for creating privacy screens.

Wire Rope Systems for Wild Grapeless Grapevine

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable            = of limited suitability            = unsuitable