
Blue Morning Glory (ipomoea indica)

The blue morning glory is a sub-species of morning glory that lignifies at the base; can be perennial in milder climates and with some protection during winter. Its growth is vigorous, and so it is suitable for pergolas, high walls and facades up to 6 metres hight. It is also ideal to hide downpipes. Unlike other morning glories, the flowers can last until late evening, but blooms well only in the wamth of summer. The highly decorative foliage can compensate for a lost flowering season.

lat. Ipomoea indica, a.k.a. I. learii, Pharbitis leari, P. cathartica, I. acuminata, I. cathartica, I. congesta, I. learii

Ipomoea indica
Ipomoea indica

To thrive...

The blue morning glory prefers a warm, sunny to semi-shady location, calcareous (alkaline) and drained humus-rich soil, no standing water, and no nitrogen fertilisers. It needs protection or covering in the first few years and must be protected in winter with a cover for the first few years. Suitable for container gardening. Available as seeds or pre-cultivated potted plants from spring onwards.

Characteristics and Pruning

This twining vine native to tropical America, it is often found growing on fences and hedges in the Mediterranean. If transplanted early, the young shoots must be protected or covered on colder nights (March - May). This morning glory can grow up to 6 metres high. Its foliage is decorative, dark green, and will last until the first frost. Buds are long and a bit spirally twisted. The one-day flowers open in the morning and fade in the evening. Flowering time is from July to October, but only in warm summers; bad weather might prevent blooming. Though typically an annual, its woody base lends it to perennial possibilities, especially in milder climates and if protected or potted and overwintered indoors. Cut the stem down to 10 cm above the ground in late autumn or spring. If planted in a pot, store the plant at 5 - 10°C. After wintering, the morning glory will flower quite late, only after the soil is consistently warm. Seeds are poisonous.

Climbing Aids on Facades

See the chart at the bottom of the page to choose a suitable wire rope system. Easylight or medium systems are optimal.


Cable Systems?

Click on the image to see which cable trellis forms are compatible with blue morning glory.

Suitable Cable Systems for the Blue Morning Glory

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable            = of limited suitability            = unsuitable