THE top variety for facades! 'Prolific' means "productive" in terms of flower formation... Flowers before the foliage emerges, which means that hardly any green colours are visible during the flowering period. The post-flowering period in summer is also vigorous. The somewhat pointed flower clusters are of medium length (20 cm, sometimes up to approx. 30 cm) and are only slightly slanted, hanging almost straight down. The individual flowers are pleasantly large. The foliage is long-lasting, but does not change colour in autumn. The variety is sold under various names (see below) and is very old. It came to England from Guangzhou / China in 1816. A specimen from that time is still in the Kew Botanical Gardens near London. 'Prolific' always twines to the right, i.e. "anti-clockwise". The scent varies in intensity. Seeds are poisonous.
For location, pruning, training, climbing aids, structural damage, etc., see "Asian" wisteria.
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(lat.: Wisteria sinensis 'Prolific', auch genannt 'Boskoop', 'Purpurea', 'Oosthoek`s Variety' und 'Consequa')
"Prolific" trenn sich ungern von seinem Laub. Es bleibt also - oft bis in den Dezember - eine grüne Laubwand sichtbar, nach den ersten Frösten sehen die Blätter dann nicht mehr schön aus. Das ist dann ggf. schon die Zeit für den Winterschnitt, damit die Pflanze nicht mehrere Wochen "unordentlich" aussieht.