Very long flower clusters (up to approx. 50 cm), which are also extremely densely covered with light blue flowers! The reason: this variety has the largest number of flowers per raceme (145-170)! It flowers slightly before the foliage emerges, with light green colours being added to the flowers later. The post-flowering period in summer is short, but in autumn the variety produces a fantastic "finish" with yellow autumn foliage. 'Lawrence' is suitable for facades and pergolas if there is enough space for the very long flower clusters. 'Lawrence' was discovered on an estate in Ottawa, Canada in 1970 and probably arrived there much earlier from England. The variety may have a fragrance and twines round to the left ("clockwise"). Seeds poisonous.
For location, pruning, training, climbing aids, structural damage, etc., see "Asian" wisteria.
>>> Price (in 2 litre container)
(lat.: Wisteria floribunda 'Lawrence')