A very old garden plant originating in Southern Europe and Asia, in many varieities. In Germany known as “Jelängerjelieber,” it can be found growing wild. Of all honeysuckles, this one probably has the strongest and most enchanting fragrance, which is especially strong in the evenings. Flowering period May / June (July) with possibly another flush of flowers in autumn. The hybrid "Major" was a yellow-red and slightly later flowering cultivar, "Anna Fletcher" flowers yellowish-white and longer, until July. However, due to the short flowering time and its susceptibility to mildew, this honeysuckle is no longer available in nurseries and remains a variety for enthusiasts and collectors. For airy arbours and pergolas it is an interesting option, but because of the mildew-factor, FassadenGrün does not recommend it for walls.
Lat: Lonicera caprifolium, also known as 'Goat-leaf honeysuckle', 'Perfoliate honeysuckle,' 'Italian woodbine/honeysuckle,' and 'Garden honeysuckle'