Trellis Wire Rope System 1050

This is a simple, basic, sturdy form for trellising climbing plants at greater heights. Several can be combined side by side to form parallel green 'strands,' and can also be used for flanking drainpipes (downspouts). This system can be rotated to any angle, i.e horizontally, like system 1060. To select a suitable construction style for your plant, please view the guideline charts in our climbing plants section (at the bottom of each plant profile).

Want to order trellis 1050 as a kit? Please follow the green links here in chart for all the info! (For example: click on Easy, Info, Assembly for all you need to know about our Easy Kits)

11-25 €35.80 €43-77 €78.80 €111.80 €


Our pre-assembled kits are suitable for all wall types with the exception of walls with external insulation, cladding, and thin-walled concrete elements. Alternative solutions for attachment are possible for every special case (follow the links).


Height: max. 6 metres; with heavy or massive kits: up to 8.8 metres. Base point: ~ 0.3 - 1.2 m above the ground. With more cable and mounts, the basic form is extendable. You can assemble the extra components in our online shop. It can then be extended 1.5 m - 2.2 m with additional inter-mounts. Systems with multiple vertical wire ropes can be linked together with lateral strands, thereby saving mounts-- see photo. Please note the info on high greening, as well as lightning protection. Please contact us if necessary.


Installation: as shown on the diagrams. Please also see the mounting tips in chart above (click on green link).


Vine Training: see diagrams. For a simple garland, see (R 01); because of high growth, the lower part of the plant might lose foilage. Therefore, better to plant 2 vines - different varieties - in one hole (quiver planting) and then guide 2 offset vertical cordons (R 02), by which one vine is intended to green the lower half of the growth system and the other vine to green the upper half. Even better are 3 parallel strains from separate planting pits, see (R 03).

Grapevine training on system 1050

Easy Kit

Light / Medium / Heavy / Massive Kits