Protective Wooden Grids

Once upon a time, in a bygone era, when the cattle herder went through the streets, took the cattle from every farm, drove it to the pasture, and brought it back in the evening...

Protective grid for roses
Protective grid for roses



....And some cows and goats were keen on nibbling those vines growing on the houses by the roadside. That's why they had to be protected - with wooden gratings. These protective gratings belong to the family of the wooden trellis. The vertical laths were mounted on bent steel bands or on short, wooden cross bars. Together with the planting rings, these small grids were small works of art accompanying the vegetation on facades. In the meantime, though, they have virtually disappeared from the streetscape. The few remaining ones are often listed under historical monument protection in Germany!


Perhaps the small documentation on this page may encourage you to recreate this kind of 'trellis' here and there as an alternative to metal grids! Because even today, protective trellises can be useful-- for example, to prevent cats from using a vine trunk or other fragile climbers as a "scratching tree."



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Wooden protective grids for wall plants

Here are more examples, mainly from the Saale-Unstrut area in East Germany.