Fittings and Mounts - for Stainless Steel Trellises

Metal trellises play a major role in wall greening; FassadenGrün sells a variety as well as several types of corresponding stainless steel fittings (mounts) for different wall types. Four to five fittings are generally necessary to attach a metal trellis to the wall or facade. In the first section of this page you can compare the fittings before studying the individual product sheets. Please also see the tips at the bottom of this page.

>>> Price list

Metal trellis grid RG 120004 with "thunbergia balata" on a wall
Metal trellis grid RG 120004 with "thunbergia balata" on a wall


General Information

Comparing our Fittings

Chart profile comparing our metal trellis mounts


Simple and inexpensive


Simple and inexpensive


Streamlined design


Standard fitting


Greater wall distance


Smooth shaft in V4A (AISI 316)


For concrete garages (thin concrete walls)




For "styro" (polystyrene) insulation panels


For rods Ø 10 mm


For rods Ø 10 mm


For rods Ø 10 mm

