
Evergreen Cotoneaster "Skogholm"

Cotoneasters are typically used as ground covers, but can also be cultivated as shaped shrubs (trained and formed) on the facade. They are slow-growing, evergreen, with white flowers that develop into bright red berries. The species described here is especially valued as a trailing plant (hanging shoots).

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Cotoneaster dammeri "Skogholm," Cotoneaster x suecicus "Skogholm" or "Coral Beauty"

Cotoneaster with evergreen foliage, selected in 1941 by O. Göranson / Sweden
Cotoneaster with evergreen foliage, selected in 1941 by O. Göranson / Sweden

To Thrive...

Position in full sun or partial shade (even full shade can be okay). There are no special soil requirements, but it shouldn't be too dry. Distance between plants: 0.6 - 1.2 metres. 

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Characteristics and Pruning

This is a moderately vigorous rambler that will grow mostly horizontally, with long shoots that will hang down over walls, forming long downward trails. The shoots grow up to 1 metre every year. On facades, a cotoneaster may be cultivated as a shaped tree, growing up to 4 metres high. The small shiny evergreen leaves are dark green in colour and will turn yellow or bronze in autumn. The rich flush of small, white star-shaped flowers in May / June will produce pea-sized ruby-red berries until late in the winter. "Coral Beauty" will produce more fruit than "Skogholm." Pruning is usually unnecessary.

Climbing Aids for the Facade

In most cases, a trellis is not necessary. A basic or basic-s wire rope system can help secure the plant against the wall.


Compatible wire rope trellises?

Click on the picture to see the table of all suitable trellis designs.

Suitable Wire Rope Trellises for Cotoneasters

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable             = of limited suitability             = unsuitable