Plastered Masonry

Here you'll find info on how to mount trellis systems into plastered masonry-- the third in our group of wall types. Almost all FassadenGrün kits and construction styles are compatible with this surface; there may be some limitations with our Easy and Light Kits. With different types of stones and also with special, thick plasters, there are some things to consider (read on for these special cases). All drill bits from our assortment are appropriate.


Potential problems with plaster / stucco

Historic and very old masonry

Stone, loam, and wood

Solid Brick

Buildings up to 1930

Hollow Brick

Buildings from 1930 onwards

Aerated Concrete

Cellular- / Autoclaved- / Lightweight Concrete / 'Aircrete'

Special Plasters

Structural and insulating plasters