Description / Price
Nicopress crimping press sleeves (ferrules) made of galvanised copper, extra heavy design for stainless steel ropes. Two sizes:
Used in exceptional cases for the aesthetic and more complex attachment of wire ropes to wall mounts with a wall distance greater than 4 cm, as an alternative to a (detachable) mounting with cable clamps. Such ferrules are also suitable for forming branching points (y-junctions) and for connecting wire ropes. Please refer to our general information on rope clamps, etc.. for further support if needed.
Preferably with Nicopress crimping pliers. Each sleeve requires three pressings. The ferrules are gripped with the second / M-press track (3 mm rope) or the first / P-Press track (with 4 mm steel cable) of the special crimping pliers, and pressed in this position. Press first in the middle.
To form a loop, the wire rope manually pretensioned with a vice, and secured. This requires two clamping vices (fig. 06). The sleeve/ferrule is then pressed.
Special Features
For pretensioned cables whose distance to the wall is less than 4 cm, the insufficient space usually makes it impossible to press the sleeves together correctly (pliers can't fit into space). Press sleeves once crimped cannot be undone or reused, and the cables cannot be tightened at these attachment points. Incorporate a tensioner (turnbuckle) in the cable path if necessary.
Brand product "made in the USA"
Picture 4: In this case the wire loops are supported with thimbles. The sleeve usually cannot be gripped by the pliers any more at such a short wall distance, which makes usual wire rope grips a better choice.
Picture 5: To crimp these sleeves with many loops next to each other, form longer loops of approx. 10 to 15 cm to make it easier to grip the sleeves correctly.