Sky-Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor)

Morning Glories have been being cultivated since the Japanese empire, especially those with the light blue colour which were favoured, earning them their name 'sky blue,' even when referring to another species. Mexican morning glories are annuals and are loved for their exceptionally beautiful, ethereal blooms. They thrive on sheltered house walls, but are still sensitive and fade quickly. There are several cultivars in other colours. Mexican morning glories grow up to about 4 m- somewhat higher than the common morning glory.

(Mexican Morning Glory or Imperial Morning Glory "Trichter- lat.: Ipomoea tricolor, Ipomoea violacea, pharbitis rubrocaerulea)

Morning Glory "Heavenly Blue"
Morning Glory "Heavenly Blue"

To thrive...

A warm and sunny, wind-protected location is necessary for this rather fragile morning glory. Any normal garden soil will do; a strong fertiliser with low nitrogen promotes flower growth. This plant can easily be grown in a container. It is available as seeds or as potted plants in spring. Do not sow seeds as usual in March, but at the end of April / beginning of May!

Characteristics and Pruning

The Mexican morning glory is an annual twining vine that can grow up to 4 metres high. The one-day flowers open before dawn and then fade by the end of the day, especially in the sun (sometimes even by lunchtime). This morning glory flowers pink and sky-blue with a white center-- hence the Latin indication "tricolor." Some red varieties exist, like the "Scarlett O`Hara" (Ipomoea nil - USA 1939) and "Turris." "Pearly Gates" is a white variety. Flowering time is from July to October, but in cold, wet summers there might be no flowering at all. Seeds are poisonous!

Climbing Aids on Facades

The Mexican morning glory needs thin stakes, nets, or wire ropes to grow and climb. You will find an index of all suitable wire rope systems at the bottom of this page. Easy and light designs can be used. The wire-rope trellises in the medium range provide optimal conditions.


Cable Systems?

Click on the image to see which trellis systems are compatible with this sky-blue morning glory.

Suitable Cable Systems for Mexican Morning Glory

Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!

  = suitable            = of limited suitability            = unsuitable