
Horizontal Lap Siding (Wood)

Horizontal lap siding is one of the nine, thin-walled 'special facades' addressed here at FassadenGrün. Eight mounting variations are suitable here (see below).  Keep in mind: some climbers can cause structural damage if are allowed to climbing into gaps of the wood paneling.


Lap siding (also known as clapboard, Dutch lap, bevel siding) is widely used in Nordic countries such as Sweden and Norway and fascinate with its antiquated aesthetic. Smooth-edge boards are layed, usually horizontally, overlapping ('lap' siding)-- *without* tongue and groove. These are usually about 18-24 mm thick and often treated (sealed/varnished) or painted. They are nailed, screwed, or stapled to the underlying boards; these attachment points are usually visible, which makes it possible to determine the location of the substructure (reinforcement). Modern lap siding is sometimes not 'real,' only imitating the look of lap siding, hiding underneath them facade profiles with interlocking tongue-and-groove boards, bringing constructive advantages. If this applies to you, please refer to tonuge-and-groove siding. For installation, we recommend the drill bit cartridge UB 77777.

Possibilities for Mounting Trellis Systems

Lap siding is less stable than wooden formwork that is laid with ‘tongue and groove,' because structurally the latter acts as a single panel and can distribute loads and forces better; the lap siding can absorb only smaller plant loads. Assessing loads on trellis ropes and their stretching boundaries are given here; for example, a 3mm rope can handle 250 kg. Heavy and massive kits (which use 4mm rope) are out of the question. Even with 3mm rope, it's a good idea to install compensating relief springs in the rope run (espeically if you are unsure).


With the exception of version 05, all mounting methods are possible; for structural reasons, version 05 (mounting in outer wall *and* the underlying battens) is optimal. Because of the sloping surface of lap (overlapping) siding, cable systems with eyebolts and hooks (our easy kits) are particularly unproblematic, but the wall distance these parts allow is smaller. With our light and medium kits, each mount comes with an additional special (inclined) washer. (This is not an issue with mounting version 08.)