Ivy "Goldchild"

This ivy is of unknown origin, discovered somewhere in Europe around 1970, and first described by Thomas Rochford of Great Britain. Later it was commercially introduced by Frode Maegaard (Denmark) and is today one of the most sought-after varieties. It is easily identifiable by its luminous yellow leaf edges, particularly distinct in cooler weather and in sunshine, later fading to cream-white. Growth is weak to medium and the plant remains compact, has a very ornamental leaf shape. There are at least two varieties, but only one is (moderately) frost hardy in climate zone 7b and suitable for outdoor use. This is the variety available in our ivy assortment. Most 'Goldchild' or 'Gold-Child' ivies were probably developed for interior greenings and are not frost resistant. Please also refer to our ivy general information for tips!


Lat. Hedera helix "Goldchild", probably a mutation of Hedera helix "Harald"

Ivy "Goldchild, frost resistant"
Goldchild-Rustic" ivy with yellow trim; young leaves are lighter