Fan Form Trellises

Fans are one of several special forms in the trellis area that were especially popular in the second half of the 20th century, at least in East Germany. These trellises emphasise the natural growth of climbing plants on façades, are often nostalgic, but not always professional looking. However, they are quite suited for individual or group arrangements and particularly effective on windowless façades.

Several trellis grids for roses
Several trellis grids for roses

Fundamental Design Questions

If a façade is characterised by vertical and horizontal lines (for example window edges), it is reasonable that trellises of all forms are subordinate to this design principle and complement it. Fan trellises with their slanted and crooked lines can appear disruptive. Regardless of the form principle, it is up to the owner whether or not he/she favours a fan form.

Also for fan trellises, vertical or horizontal axes can dominate. Then , they resemble classic or ladder trellises.

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