Clematis montana is a group with many cultivars and one of the best clematis for facade greening. They are robust, resistant to clematis wilt, grow quickly, and can cover large wall areas with their dense foliage. The flowers of these clematis are very beautiful, comparable to the large-flowered clematis hybrids. Unfortunately, the flowers all open about the same time, which limits flowering to only three weeks of the year.
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"Polish Spirit" is either a clematis viticella or a clematis x jackmannii
Clematis montana needs a sunny to partially-shaded location; soil should be humus-rich, fresh, and well-draining. Best when the base of the plant remains in shade. Distance between plants: 2 - 5 metres. >>> Price
Clematis Montana are leaf tendril ('petiole') climbers. Growth vigour is moderate to strong, also exhibits a trailing (overhanging/cascading) habit. Foliage lasts May to October; leaf colour can be very dark with certain varieties. Plant can grow up to 10 metres in height. Flower colour depends on the cultivar; most of them range from white to dark pinkish-red. Flowering period (in April) is rather short, the seed capsules beautiful and delicate. Withered leaves don't detach easily. Prune according to "pruning group 1"-- do not cut in winter, but thin out some shoots after the flowering. This species is robust and disease-free, but in large plants, the base tends to defoliate and become bare.
These clematis will need a trellis with a fine-meshed (30 - 50 cm) grid. If you don't plan on pruning the plant regularly, the meshes can be even larger, as the main function of the trellis is to hold the trunk of the plant. See below for suitable cable systems. Our easy (basic and basic-s) designs are strong enough, but the mediumstyle range allows for better development of the plant. If your trellis is high, the heavy / massive design should be considered.
Please click on the graphic illustrations for details!
= suitable | = of limited suitability | = unsuitable |