
Variant 07 - Adhering in Sandwich Panels

The seventh of the eight variants to provide wire rope technology on special facades relates exclusively to sandwich facades and, above all, to those in which the inner cover panel does not function as a visible inner wall at the same time. For attachment, all layers of the panels are drilled and the holders are adhered using adhesive anchors. For this purpose some combinations can be considered from our range at FassadenGrün.

Scope of application

Variant 07 is often the only solution when rope systems are fixed on sandwich facades. The boards can be plastered or not. In the case of panels, the inside of which is at the same time the visible side, there are limitations shown below.

All of the following recommendations are given to the best of our knowledge, but it is precisely this variant that requires careful testing and approval by the user. The respective user, planner, or builder is therefore responsible for adherence of following type.

Suggestion for attachment

Unlike variant 06, no pressure-resistant bearing is created between the two cover panels or panels. The holders are not braced by screwing, but are fixed only in the two outer layers and thus secured against pulling out (tensile forces). This is done by sticking it into a screen sleeve and forming an assembly dowel behind the inner cover panel. The panel core, that is to say the insulation layer and the two cover panels, must then be sufficiently flexible in the composite in order to absorb the bending forces of the holders, which are also produced, without deformation. In case of doubt, this must be confirmed by tests.

If the sandwich panel together with external plaster is not thicker than 70 mm, short screen sleeves SD 16085 are used. For thicknesses over 70 mm then use extra-long screen sleeves SD 16130.

The mounting dowels remain visible where the inner cover panel serves as a visible inner wall (industrial building).

Assembly sequence

The sandwich façade is perforated with a diameter of 16 mm, the sieve sleeves are set without an adjusting cap and are filled with composite mortar so that a strong dowel forms behind the inner cover panel due to the exiting composite mortar. The white plastic dowels are then inserted into the adjustment caps of the screen sleeves, both of which are pressed together into the composite mortar in the screen sleeve. After the mass has hardened, the cross-holders are screwed into the bottom of the plastic dowel. If mortar has penetrated into the dowel, the dowel is somewhat inflated.

Light construction style

This solution with WM 06093 is relatively safe and can be used in any case of doubt. The standard kits together with the enclosed plastic dowels can be used. In addition, screen sleeves are required above, as well as composite mortar VM 00300.

Medium construction style

Here the 'Premium' kits with WM 08133 can be used together with the plastic dowels supplied. In addition, screen sleeves see above and composite mortar VM 00300 are again used. This solution is more statically demanding because of the higher bending forces. In any case of doubt, the 3 mm cables are tightened less tightly in the cross brackets, so that they can slip through at high load, or the braces are covered with a thin 1.8 mm cable. The 'Classic' design is not recommended because of the increased forces when the holders are screwed in, because the glued screen sleeves can 'spin' through here.